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Meteorites are the privileged witnesses of the whole history of our Solar System, from its creation until today, by recording all the stages of its formation.


Cosmochemistry aims at retracing the history of our Solar System formed 4.56 billion years ago thanks to the chemistry of extraterrestrial materials, witnesses of the evolution of the  System  Solar, from the molecular cloud to the planets, through the protoplanetary disc.  


On Earth, about 78 million kilograms of extraterrestrial material fall every

year. Although most of it is dust, tens of thousands of meteorites fall to Earth each year. These meteorites, collected and  curated around the world,  offer invaluable insights into the formation of our Solar System.



desert meteorite.jpeg

General informations

How do you recognize a meteorite? How many fall each year? Where do we find them?


Groups and Classes

What are the different types of meteorites? What are the characteristics that make it possible to classify them?

Image de Greg Rakozy

Scientific discoveries

What are the major scientific discoveries made through the study of meteorites?

Research projects

Learn about recent research by cosmochemists at the national astrophysics institute of Rome in Italy

Image de Michael Longmire


The latest global discoveries about meteorites and our Solar System

Image de Michael Longmire
Image de Roman Kraft

Latest Publications


Alice Stephant

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